Welcome to the Alberta Ride to Conquer Cancer message boards. This is a place where you can share your fundraising and training tips, and give each other advice about how to prepare for the Ride.
So that we can all get to know each other, please reply here with your name and your reason why you have chosen to participate in The 2009 Ride to Conquer Cancer.
My name is Todd McDermott. I had cancer in 2007. I kicked its ass and I am not finished. Most of the males on my dads side of the family have fought it. The least I can do is raise some money and ride a bike.
Without the great efforts of groups like The Alberta Cancer Foundation and Tom Baker Cancer Centre (Calgary) ... my today would probably look different.
To all the survivors, fighters and those that have passed on ... WE RIDE TODAY SO THAT THERE WILL BE A TOMORROW WITHOUT CANCER.
Our team CTTC (Change Tomorrow Today Crew) welcomes new team members.
We believe that if change is to happen tomorrow --- whether it be personal or global --- that change must start today.
I chose to take this ride to try to impact how cancer will affect people in the future. I have watched this disease eat away at the bodies and dignity of 2 very special women in my life. If participating in this ride can possibly spare anyone else that pain I count it a blessing.
My spouse is undergoing surgery on Wenesday. They have a great deal of optomism. Honestly, I did not think people could survive cancer. I had two aunts die of lung cancer.
I started this because I wanted to do the bike ride. I have learned so much since I registered. -georges
My father is dying from Kidney Cancer . We are expecting 1 last week with him.. 6 days until his 62nd birthday.. So that's why I'm riding.. because I can. If I can help one person not go through the pain of losing a parent, sister, brother etc etc I'll ride 200k its the least I can do..
My heart goes out to you and your family. My Dad was diagnosed with cancer just before Xmas. Like you, this opportunity is providing me with a way to harness my emotions more productively. Take care.
My thoughts are with you also, Jen. My wife just got all the tubes out today. She had something in her kidney but we are not sure what it is. It was quite an operation to take a piece off her kidney. I am at the hopsital with her most of the time now. Hopefully, she will be home on Monday. Her sister has just found out she has cancer again.
All the best to you and your family. I hope your father can pull through. I lost my dad in '05 when he was only 58. I ride for him and I know that if he were still here, he'd ride right beside me! I hope that by riding we become one step closer to ending cancer for good.
Well, I joined the Ride because of a co-worker, mentor and friend who passed of colon cancer in November. I'm riding in his memory.
Funniest thing is, as I started to get into the groove for fundraising, I found out that two folks I volunteer with are survivors, the brother of the gentleman I'm riding in memory of passed away (also from colon cancer) 4 years ago and many, many of the folks I've talked to have had cancer touch their lives in some way, shape or form.
I'm doing it in memory of a friend and in hopes that others won't need to face such a devistating diagnosis in the future.
If there are solo riders reading this who, like me, are riding in memory of someone, you're more than welcome to join the "In memory of - the solo riders" team.
So many, too many. All this sentiment is crushing the shell of this crusty old wolf, here I sit feeling. It's okay I can deal. I have lost six family members to Cancer. Regardless of it all - I still do believe we can do it. We can make a difference. Some people do survive. I can see how the Strength in Numbers motto fits in so well. All our hopes, wishes, prayers and financial support combined, sounds pretty powerful.
LoneWolf...you can't hide it ;) You may have that "crusty old wolf" outside, but we know you're a softie :)
I can't imagine how tough it's been for you and your family....good on you for being part of the Ride and for keeping a positive attitude towards doing something about cancer.