Hi, I am new to this and wondering if anyone is from the Leduc area? Edmonton is cool too. I do most of my riding alone and it would be go to ride with someone else once in a while.
I'm from Millet, pretty close, but ride all over: Wetaskiwin, Leduc, Devon, and Edmonton mostly. It's all indoor riding right now, but come springtime I'm always happy to roll with new riders. Cheers, Aaron.
Noonie, just keep posting....looks like we're going to have a good number of folks from the Edmonton area at the event so there should be lots of partners available :)
George if you would like to join a team you are welcome to consider us. Our team is currently 50 members strong and growing - Connecting to Conquer Cancer. Kerry.
If you would like to join a team to train with and ride the RTCC you are welcome to join us. We are currently 50 riders strong and growing - Connecting to Conquer Cancer. Love to have you on board. Kerry.
It looks like a cool team. It is difficult for me to get to Calgary very often. We have a team in Leduc now. It is called the Leduc Drillers. We are small but dedicated to what we are doing. We are having our first orientation in Leduc March 24th.