How far are you from making the goal? If you don't raise the money before the ride they say you have to cover the remaining amount if you want to ride. What city are you in? One girl in Calgary got the Herald to run an article on her and through that she raised an extra Thousand. Have you tried posting your plea on Craigslist, that might help.
I emailed my contact list and got a great uptake the first time out. However, some people wait until they see the notice 2 or 3 times before they do something (human nature), so I would send an email note out (personalized) requesting their assistance again.
The other successful route I used was on facebook - my status update with a link to my fundraising site. This got some extra donations as well.
Thanks for all the tips. I am still about $900 away from the goal and my sister is still $1300. We are plugging away at it but get a little stressed out when we think of how close the ride is...We are very excited to do this and to feel like we are making a difference. We have had a few family members with cancer and are doing this for them, and for all of those who will get cancer in the future!!
don"t give up home and keep telling everyone that you meet up with. Don't worry if you know that person or not. Mass e-mail everyone you know and even the ones you don't think will donate ask them. Go to your local restaurant and ask them if you help in the restaurant will they give a certyain amount of money from that nights sales to your ride.
Thanks everybody.. I am the sister Shera is talking about... I sent out another email last night hoping to get some more. I am a student and have a fear that I am going to have to donate ALOT if I cannot get more donations. I am just gonna power through here and see where the next few days take me.