First thanks to everyone for an amazing experience, crew, volunteers, riders, cheerleaders!! I finished, rode every hill and was still smiling...and despite grumbling about "never" doing this again... well... we're going do it all again.
In my haste to get off the bike, out of my sweaty gear and eat.. I forgot to hand in my express form for next year's registration. Can I still hand it in somewhere? Or can I do it online I noticed that to register there is a spot with a "discount code". I tried emailing the info address on the first thing last Mon morning, but no info yet.
I know you guys are all busy but I'd like to register ASAP... there are certain people who said they would donate if I finished this year (they didn't think I could do it, and I'd like them to eat their words and take their money for next year!) can try to call Monday morning...hopefully they are back at it by then. The office was closed for a few days...I left a message, but no reply yet.