They generally want you on the road by 8am..the faster guys are often gone as soon as the course opens (7-ish) and the late folks trickle out no later than 8:30. Any more of a range, and things get waaaaaay to far spread out for the crew working the pit stops.
its a steep learning curve for the first timers - but once you get there and get moving all you (riders) need to do is hop on your bike and ride like the wind. lol
food, medical, food, drinks, is taken care of by the crew. at camp there's showers, massages, medical. and really good food
Lol yeah, I didn't fall asleep really well until late so i ended up sleeping in late. Then when we went to leave my chain had came off and refused to go back on. Unfortunately this meant falling to the last rider but with the pit stops and everything I was able to finish more in the middle of the pack.