I am the only person on my team living in the Edmonton area. As such, I have no one to train with. Once the snow is mostly gone, I'll plan on doing my rides in the Ardrossen area on Saturdays. Is there anyone else looking for a training partner?
There are a good number of rides out near Ardrossan up until the Ride. Also, One Aim (the northern contingent) will be arranging some as well. Nothing definite yet, but the thoughts we're working with include:
- Ardrossan stuff (it's nice and there are lots of Ride folks out there) - Stony Plain / Spruce Grove (possibly with the Melan Heads, if Stacie doesn't mind) - river valley stuff in town (to get ready for the hills on the Ride) - some longer stuff such as the Henday / Ring Road (for those not faint of heart) or Lindbrook (a little more remote, but generally good riding) - possibly even a near Century out to Tofield if folks are up to it (it's a long ride...longer than the Ride days)
I'm going to try to have our training rides posted to the "training" portion of the Ride website when we pin them down, so keep an eye there :)