Pick me ... I will be in the back end of the pack... after today definitely!!! My grandson fell off the counter and my daughter missed catching him... I tried to run around the counter and tripped over a plant pot and at the same time my grandson hit the floor so did my knee .. OUCH!!!!! Grandson is ok we took him to the childerns hospital... they say he's fine .. but I am limping a little...
Hmmm.....If I were on the mtb, I'd be seeding myself near the back. On the CX bike, I'd lean toward the middle of the pack. Right now, it depends on a) what my team is going to be doing...riding together or not, and b) if I strike out solo a bit to try to cover the middle of the pack as part of the roving medical crew.
Ok...back of the pack for me. I put together my panniers for the ride and, well, I'm not going to set any land speed records with that much weight on the back of the bike. Oh well, better safe(ty) than sorry, right ;)
How much stuff you taking with you on your bike? If you're worried about food I think they have fruit and bars and such at the rest stops. But if it's beer and ice you're hauling for camp, let me know where you'll be so I can draft behind you to make sure you make it.
Hehehe...not quite, Jason. On one side I have my usual long ride stuff....basic tools, equipment and gear to handle whatever the bike, road and weather can throw at me. The other side is my not so small first aid kit, which completely fills the pannier.
It's not *that* heavy, but it is a fair bit of weight...say 25 lbs together. But if a weekend warrior keels over in front of me, I'd like to be prepared :)
If any of you drop something during the ride, I'll be sure to pick it up for you. I'll try to get it to camp during daylight, but no promises. Look for the sweaty, out of breath guy who's cursing the foothills under his breath - that'll probably be me.
Masochistic to say that I'm looking forward to this ?????
Morrisjo, I didn't have to send you out by ambulance, so you must have survived. I'll tell you, though....with the first aid stuff on the back of the bike, those hills were brutal!