Hi, I have raised enough in donations to be part of the Ride but I do not have a vehicle and want to find someone who could give me a ride to Calgary and the return trip. I live in south edmonton and would help share the costs for fuel. Thanks
I'd love to be able to help you out (I'm in Millwoods and have the room) but I may need to come back on a moment's notice and I don't want to leave you stranded (my wife is due in early July...you know how babies can be).
If you don't get much for replies here, drop a line on the Cancer Crusaders team thread...most of the team is from the Edmonton area.
We have room in my van-bikes go inside the van. We're leaving friday by 3:30 from Capilano or 3pm from University.Coming home Sunday after the ride. Drop me an e-maill katycox@shaw.ca