Hi, This is my first year doing the Ride and I am looking for a training partner. I Live in Fort Saskatcheawn but can travel. Currently, I have been just training in the gym and have yet to get on the bike outside. So please have patience.
We have a small team and we train out of Spruce Grove. I drive there from SE Edmonton to meet up with them :) We usually leave early Sat morning from the Tri-Leisure (around 7 or 8 am, depending on the day). We have several different skill levels that train together, so we wind up in different bunches. You are more than welcome to join us, but we are getting into longer legs right now, with this upcoming Saturday being a 90km, likely with a 30-80 km for the Sunday. We all struggle to fit our training in, so we really need to get those long legs in.
If you're interested, find us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_43680488004